Software for Project Management
- Ultimate project management
- Start managing project today
- Full support for standards
- Projects & Contracts
- Remote and multinational team support
- I want to manage my project

Everyday tasks and responsibilities as well as the project tasks require everyday mangement. This functionality is often automated for rutine tasks but the workflow management brings important benefits to the
process management as well. AyMINE developed the workflow automation for the project management that precisely balance between level of stnadardisation and necessary free access to the task management that is always necessary in the project management.
The project management is further tightly integrated with the requirement management and analysis support.
Ultimate project management
AyMINE supports all processes related with the project management:
- Team management including team roles ans competencies
- Task and capacity planning (with task integration with MS Outlook and mobile devices)
- Change management
- Requirement management and solution analysis
- Task management with methodology support and group task
- Verification and Validation with formal documentation, if requried
- Ultimate documentation management and configuration management
- Instant and secure team communication and colaboration
- Meeting management and documentation
- Decision including decision analysis, discussion and voting
Start managing project today
You can start your project immediatelly. Just request for account and you can open your own project space. Company account allows you manage as many projects as you need and gives you total overview about all tasks and duties
Full support for standards
The documentation and project management is integrated with methodology definition and task automation. Project can be directly planned with response to the internal project methodology.
Project methodology including process support directly from the system fully comply important standards PMBOK, ISO 26262, ASPICE, ISO 61508 and others.
Work reports
All project steps are documented and system supports the timesheet / work reports. Works reports can be use to check the capacities for billing but they are important evidences to prove that quality-related tasks like verification and reivew were really performed. System creates complete documentation for audits of the work.
Projects & Contracts
Like daily tasks, projects need visibility into everything that's going on. Not only deadlines, risks and problems can be solved together.
You can manage contracts handled with standard workflows or projects with special assignments and customized solutions efficiently and quickly. It doesn't matter whether you need to insulate a building, replace a production line or prepare a Christmas party: you can always benefit from efficient planning and management.
Remote and multinational team support
Remote workers and cooperative part-time experts can boost the team if their work is integrated. System supports
All the information and tasks are clearly in your pocket – on your mobile phone or tablet. You don't need to install anything, just connect. The screen space gives you more clarity, of course, but you'll still have everything at your fingertips on every device.

I want to manage my project
Let's register and start today.
We create a new account for you and you have single-side NDA from us the guarantee complete data protection and data location in the EU.